Sunday 9 November 2014


If we are serious about success for all, we need to further develop the systems and practices for reviewing and developing the work that goes on in our schools. We need to recognise and reward good teaching and great learning, and support the development of every teacher and the whole school workforce.
We know from the work done by The Sutton Trust, and the Toolkit they have developed, that feedback is one of the most effective interventions we can make in supporting learning and that it has a strong positive influence on all of us and on our work. 

Strong, specific, immediate, honest and effective feedback increases well-being, supports powerful learning and helps us all develop and grow. It is important that we make structured feedback an entitlement for every child and young person and our all colleagues in every school and we must ensure that everyone in schools receives recognition for their efforts. We must recognise and reward everything that improves the quality of what happens in classrooms and particularly where colleagues show creativity, innovation and enterprise in teaching the hardest to teach, and taking learning to the hardest to reach.

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