Friday 5 May 2017


I caught up with an old colleague and friend today who reminded me that 'Better Learners, Better Workers' is achieving great things for some wonderful young people and that above all teamwork matters... 

Setting clearly defined goals and targets for your team allows you to measure and constantly and consistently celebrate your achievements and your successes and focus on the areas where you are not achieving great outcomes so that your team can do better. I know people talk about the problems we are facing with consistency but so much of what we are doing across Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield is outstanding and extraordinary; whatever anyone says we all know places where teams are achieving great things. Many organisations I work with struggle with that long pointless grind as they move towards the barely adequate but we need to change the mindset and work hard to develop a culture of success and constantly and relentlessly search for the exceptional. 
I have seen some simply breathtaking practice and progress over the last ten years and seen some remarkable achievements where colleagues and teams feel trusted, empowered, energised and enabled to release their magic simply because they passionately believe in what they are doing. By setting ourselves goals, which we work towards with real discipline, rigour and focus, we can raise colleagues self-esteem and self-confidence, and helped colleagues recognise their ability and potential and develop their confidence. The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you and your team want to achieve; what you want your classroom, your department, your team or your school to be like. So what do you want to do with your wild and precious life now, tomorrow and five years into the future.... how will you release the magic!

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