Thursday 16 May 2019


The New OFSTED Framework is very clear that as school governors, we have a responsibility to look after our young people’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We want to develop their wellbeing and ensure they grow into the happy, heathy, successful creative thinkers and problem solvers of tomorrow.

The New Framework isn't as clear as I would like but it does point out that including storytelling, art and design, dance, drama and music in the curriculum is both a statutory requirement and hugely important in improving outcomes and enriching the lives of our children and young people.

These subjects also provide young people with the opportunity to develop the skills that matter in life, school and the world of work... responsibility, confidence, resilience, communication, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, digital skills and creativity. Culture and the arts helps to build the knowledge, skills, understanding and experiences that children and young people need to thrive and succeed in an increasingly complex and challenging world.

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