Thursday, 24 November 2011

Blog Blog Blog!

All the evidence suggests that getting children blogging can have a massive impact on their learning. Personally, I love my blog and I have been blogging now almost every day, and sometimes many times a day, for the last six years.  
We need to get more children and young people blogging at school because we all know that children love having an audience and employing blogs can really help develop good spelling, good grammar and a love for writing at a young age. It can also bring out the writer in children and open doors and windows to their future. We need to find safe and secure ways to encourage young people to use the internet and blogging, integrated powerfully and sensitively into provision and the curriculum, provides a brilliant way of doing it! If you want your children to understand that they are part of a 'Global Village' then set up a blog and get them communicating with other students, teachers and people from all over the world. If you want a real context to teach your children how to write for different audiences get s blog! 

Blogging is a deeply creative process where we can nurture and encourage feedback and drafting and revising and focus on improving young people's language skills. Blogging engages and motivates and reaches the parts other interventions don't reach! So get your children blogging!

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