Sunday 7 July 2019


There was a very special concert on Friday at York St John University!!! The young people from the Bloemfontein Children's Choir brought something extraordinary to what was a simply wonderful evening. Cllr Janet Looker, Lord Mayor of York, also attended and brought her own special magic to the concert.

They are an extraordinary group of young people - and what a spell binding performance they gave us! Those of us who have spent time with the Bloemfontein Children's Choir this week have seen what a wonderful group of young people they are, they were friendly, fun, enthusiastic, inquisitive, courteous, but very 'normal' young people who could give a stunning performance at the drop of a hat! Their singing in Millthorpe School, Scarcroft School, Central Methodist Church, BBC Radio York, the National Railway Museum and York Minster was every bit as good as that on Friday evening. We have had messages from the choir and the team with them and they really appreciated and enjoyed being  in York... being 'looked after' and guided on their tours of York. They were also delighted that they were on BBC Radio York and BBC Look North so that a wider audience could appreciate the magic these young people bring with them wherever they go!!

The choir are performing in City Hall in Glasgow this afternoon as part of the Stirling Bridge International Arts Festival , and in Edinburgh and Perth later this week, before they fly back home!  We have been blessed to be part of the Bloemfontein Children's Choir's 2019 UK tour, and those of us who were there will always remember a very special few days in our City.

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