Wednesday 21 September 2011

We miss so much by simply not looking!

Travelling by train has provided me with opportunities to think and reflect.

And looking at the night sky, the sunset yesterday and the sunrise today makes you glad to be alive! Yesterday’s sunset was glorious and early this morning the stars in the night sky were simply brilliant. And watching the sunrise, as the train to London flew across the countryside, was beautiful. It makes you realise that the best things in life are free and that happiness is not about winning the lottery or X Factor, nice as that might be, but about the simple pleasures… a smile, a hug, a thank you after I've done something really well. A touch or a word when I am feeling down or things haven't worked out well. A child's laughter. A friend's contact. A starry night. A full moon. An empty parking space. A beautiful face. A crackling fire. A great meal. A glorious sunset. Hot soup. Freshly baked bread. Cold beer. Chocolate. Great coffee. Why don't you think about what makes you happy and add to my list?

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