Monday, 12 March 2012


I was over at Business Education South Yorkshire today talking to Jackie Freeborn and John Barber about how we can work together to support and develop the Cutlers 'Made in Sheffield' Project.

We were discussing how we develop a portfolio of structured, focused activities with local companies to enable young people at the Cutlers 'Made in Sheffield' Project schools to develop the key skills that will better prepare them to secure employment.  Jackie and John have developed the 'Work-wise' programme to provide young people, our future generation workforce, with a broad range of inspirational, industry focused, work related learning and development experiences supported by employers throughout the Sheffield city region. We want to work together to develop a powerful menu which the Cutlers 'Made in Sheffield' Project schools can draw on to enrich and develop an innovative project-based and work-related curriculum, supported by coaching, mentoring and advice and guidance, which will help develop character, resilience and grit, literacy, numeracy and learn to learn skills, global higher level skills and creativity, innovation and enterprise skills as well as securing academic and technical excellence. Interesting and exciting times!

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