Friday 20 September 2013


I am working in Sheffield to develop a single coherent joined-up approach which establishes the entitlements for children and young people from Key Stage 1 to Post-16/College. This would create a pathway through learning and school/college where we connect the World of Work with the curriculum to ensure that every child and young person develops the skills, character and knowledge they need to enter, thrive and succeed in the workplace. 

By establishing these entitlements and creating a systematic approach we can streamline the enormous, fragmented and incoherent approach where schools are constantly inundated with interesting programmes, great initiatives, powerful projects and wonderful challenges but struggle to connect them into their DfE and OFSTED driven world. 

At a time when resources are limited and the pressure on schools and local authorities to demonstrate value for money in everything they do, continues to increase it makes sense to adopt a single strategic approach. This would be based on a clear entitlement for all young people and where we audit everything that is currently available around a single framework agreed between schools and employers. This will allow us to reduce programme duplication, avoid timetable clashes and optimise the use of all available resources.

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