Friday 7 March 2014


Headteachers and governors already understand that no-one will be offering increased public expenditure over the next decade and that the era of plenty is well and truly over.
We need a culture and a strategy that builds on and draws from what we've learned about what works and that can be financed within the shrinking schools budget. We must also stop grumbling about things, recognise how fortunate we are and get on with it!. We should welcome the removal of the bureaucracy we've all struggled with, welcome and positively engage with the reviews of so many aspects of provision and practice, welcome the increased challenge and competition we face on a fair and equitable basis, network, share and learn from the very best practice we can find wherever it is, ensure that we harness new technologies and join cooperative and collaborative networks so that every school's resources can be focused and targeted on the journey ahead. The journey we all face to make EVERY GREAT SCHOOL for EVERYONE in their local community... whatever it takes.

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