Thursday, 14 June 2012

Anything is Possible!

"I dwell in possibility."
Emily Dickinson

People constantly tell me that you can't get every child to read by the time they are eight. That every child can't be a brilliant little learner by the time they leave primary school. That you can't get every young person the equivalent of 5 good GCSEs by the time they are sixteen. That every school can't be a great school. That you can't create great teams with the current people. 

However, we all know that success doesn't come in can'ts it comes in cans. We simply need to change the culture and get people to believe; to believe in themselves and to believe in our children and young people and our colleagues. The next person who tells you it's impossible with these children, these young people, these families or these colleagues, tell them straight back that if you believe anything is possible and that achieving the impossible is nothing! 

We have the toolkits and the models so let's get on with it!

1 comment:

  1. If everyone is good, all of the sudden they are average instead . . .


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