Thursday 30 July 2015


Re-reading the CBI publication 'First Steps: A new approach for our schools', they rightly stress the need to develop a clear, widely-owned statement of the outcomes that all schools are asked to deliver.
The CBI recognise that this should go beyond the merely academic, into the behaviours and attitudes schools should foster in everything they do. They also recognise that we are currently wasting a huge pool of talent that we need to re-engage and fire up about learning.

The CBI also argue that skills matter and that knowledge without skills is not going to produce the people we need to improve productivity and drive growth in this country.

 They also seem to see that we need wore young people on programmes like the Cutlers' 'Made in Sheffield' scheme where young people develop the skills needed for success at school at work and in life in general through a unique programme linked to the world of work.

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