Friday 27 October 2017


I was in Sheffield this morning to have breakfast with my brilliant colleague and friend Sonia Sharp. Sonia and I worked together at Education Leeds where we established the foundations for brilliant learning and built something amazing... an organisation and culture that changed lives and won awards and accolades for everything it did!!! Sonia has been working in Australia where she has also been doing some extraordinary stuff! The breakfast meeting was great and it made me realise how much I miss her energy, passion and enthusiasm!! It also reminded me of that rare magic and incredible teamwork we had at Education Leeds... with so many amazing colleagues who have gone on to do so much in so many areas!! We are both passionate about young people, learning, skills and changing lives and the meeting reminded me, in case I ever forget, that the things that matter most in life are friends, family and faith! We agreed that we needed to stay in touch and continue to try to change the world for all our young people!

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