Wednesday 12 October 2011


If we want to build brilliant learning places we need to develop a culture where we welcome feedback and help everyone in the school workforce to continuously update their knowledge and skills and have opportunities for good quality professional development.
We need to raise our game and deliver a fundamental step change in the outcomes we achieve in our schools; not in five years time, not in a years time but from now on. We must stop playing catch up and start playing world class! We need a culture in every classroom which is about excellence, high expectations and high challenge. We must maintain a relentless and uncompromising focus on standards and outcomes and we must recognise that our children and young people are no different, no less able, no different in term of their potential to children and young people from Singapore, Korea or Finland.

We must accept no excuses and work to drive up standards in every school, helping colleagues improve their teaching and learning and spend less time managing disruption and administrative tasks. Our commitment to develop and grow our workforce needs us to share and learn from the best locally, regionally, nationally and internationally and to pay attention particularly in areas like literacy, numeracy, ICT, special needs, behaviour, academic and technical excellence and the world of work.  We need to use digital media and on-line resources to help colleagues undertake professional development and training, use and develop a wider range of teaching and learning practices and collaborate and co-operate with their colleagues.

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