Thursday 5 May 2016


I have just received some fantastic feedback from Sarah Ward, Managing Director Straaltechniek UK Limited, on the work experience placements we organised for the Cutlers' 'Made in Sheffield' engineering ambassadors from Westfield School.
Sarah is the engineering Business Champion at Westfield School and is working with these very lucky young people and her passion, commitment and hard work is making a real difference! Manny and Ethan, two of the ambassadors went to Sarah's company for their work experience and they both got a lift in to work each morning. Sarah had presumed that they got a lift too at night but it was only on the last day she found out they both walked 2 miles every night to Meadowhall and then got on a bus and then a tram home.  The feedback Sarah received generally from the engineering ambassadors was fantastic and a great set of recommendations for the work experience element of the programme. However, I think Manny and Ethan's travel arrangements home show the skill set in action... responsibility, determination, resilience, critical thinking, problem solving, organising and decision making ...brilliant and all the evidence suggests that it will make a huge difference to the outcomes these young people achieve!

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