Wednesday 30 March 2011

Bluewave SWIFT!

I was in Nottingham again yesterday and met up with colleagues from the Bluewave SWIFT team...
BETT Award Winner 2008

It is a remarkable achievement when you understand the history of Bluewave SWIFT
which is an amazingly powerful, versatile and flexible online system which supports Self-Evaluation, SEF, School Development Plans and Performance Management - all in one. It connects information and documents across these modules to aid schools on their journey to outstanding and cut out bureaucracy and duplication of effort. Bluewave SWIFT won the BETT Award in the category of Supporting Institutional Leadership and Management Solutions.

It is even more remarkable when you consider that the current agenda is about trust, autonomy, accountability, high expectations and school to school partnerships within a clear simple strategic framework. Bluewave SWIFT started life as the Quality Standards Framework and was developed as a common language to describe the learning journey schools were on in their search for brilliant and to help schools identify their strengths and the areas where they needed support and then to share this through a powerful School Improvement Policy. It is even more valuable today as SIPs and SEFs disappear and we all search for reassurance and consistency. If you want to find out more about this brilliant and beautiful system you can visit the Bluewave SWIFT website at

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