Tuesday 17 November 2015


We need to build a new, rewarding and engaging curriculum for our young people because we are preparing them for a world that is changing fast. We are preparing them for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't been invented yet. We need them to solve the problems facing us with climate change, population growth, disease, technological change... and others we simply don't know about yet!
While the DfE and OFSTED still seem obsessed by content and testing, we need to work together to learn, network and refocus a curriculum that develops skills alongside knowledge and understanding because the research shows that both matter!

If we are serious about addressing the challenges we face we need to work on the following aspects...
  • Basic skills and learning to learn; 
  • Global and advanced skills; 
  • Creativity, innovation and enterprise; 
  • Resilience, character and grit; and 
  • World of work skills. 
In Sheffield, we are developing this approach through the Cutlers' "Better Learners, Better Workers' programme, and if you want to find out more get in touch.

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