Monday 26 March 2012

Firth Park Community Arts College!

I spent most of the day at Firth Park Community Arts College in Sheffield.
My visit had been arranged by Gary Simmons, the school's deputy head teacher, whose energy and commitment to his students shines through everything he does. Gary is clearly passionate about the STEM agenda and can see enormous benefits for his students in engaging with the world of work. Gary had arranged for me to meet some of his colleagues who talked passionately about the curriculum, the STEM agenda and the things they were already doing to drive up standards and outcomes. They were full of great ideas and could see the opportunities the Cutlers 'Made in Sheffield' Initiative provided for them to grow and develop their provision and practice for their young people. I also spent some time with Chris Keen, the head teacher, who drive, determination and focus on the things that matter is clearly transforming the school and the outcomes their students are achieving. 
Exciting place in equally exciting times!

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